I recently looked at some fruit trees in a yard that were under performing and doing all they could just to survive. The home owner was doing allot of things right, but there were a few key things missing in their care. The two essential things your fruit trees need is mulch and irrigation to the crown drip line. All of your water and nutrients should be in this circle because most of a tree's feeder and water absorbing roots are in the top 12" of the soil in the drip line circle. Mulch your trees 6-10" deep and irrigate in a spiral away from the trunk using drip hose. Lay your drip line on top of the mulch so the water carries the nutrients from the mulch into the soil. Water weekly in the summer and monthly in the
dormant season. Throw a hand full of earth worms in the mulch for good measure. Add a few shovel fulls of organic
fertilizer in the mulched area a few times during the growing season.

Watering and mulching should be in the drip line.

Spiral watering lines on top of the mulch.

Keep your mulch off of the trunk.
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