The heavy clay soils of Southern Nevada rarely allow our lawns to thrive unless we apply some form of mechanical aeration. For turf, the mechanical removal of soil plugs is recognized in the industry as the least invasive, most efficient way to improve air and gas exchange, fertilizer and water intake: the three key elements of turf health.
What Will Aeration do for my Lawn?
- Immediately increases water, nutrient and oxygen movement into root zone
- Loosens compacted soil
- Increases oxygen levels in the soil, stimulating root growth and enhances the activity of thatch-decomposing organisms
- Reduces irrigation and rainwater runoff
- Increases the lawn's drought and heat tolerance and improves its overall health
- Improves lawn resiliency and cushioning
What is Thatch?Thatch is an intermingled layer of living and dead stems, leaves and roots that forms at the top surface of the soil. Excessive thatch build up is serious threat to a lawn. A thin layer of thatch is normal and healthy, retaining moisture and increasing wear tolerance.
However a thatch layer of ½ inch or more prevents air and water from reaching the turf's root zone. As thatch accumulates, there is a tendency for root growth to occur primarily in the thatch layer rather than the soil. This results in a weakened poorly rooted turf that is prone to stress injury. Thatch is also a prime breeding ground for harmful insects and disease organisms.
When Should You Aerate?
Warm season grasses such as bermuda should be aerated in the late spring to summer months, when they are growing vigorously. Cool season grasses are aerated in early spring and again late September through early November, as the turf grass is coming out of summer stress induced dormancy. Aeration is part of the management cycle of virtually all golf courses, school sports fields, and city parks.
The wonderful grass at the hotels on the strip - all are aerated multiple times per year. Any lawn, especially those that are heavily used will benefit from aeration. Our aeration service combined with re-seeding and fertilizer application provides the best results possible, and will result in a completely renewed lawn.
What Results Can I Expect
Improved drought and heat stress tolerance are the most beneficial long term results of aeration. Reducing the need for irrigation water and fertilizer is also well documented on laws regularly aerated. A greener, more lush turf will be noticed within a few weeks of the aeration, guaranteed. Our aeration customers always have great results and repeat the service year after year.
What is the Cost of Aeration?
The minimum charge of our aeration service is $75.00, and is a typical price that might be charged for a standard tract home. The price will vary depending on yard size and additional services requested such as reseeding, fertilizing, topping, etc.
Call Mike to schedule a free survey and consultation of your turf.
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