Thursday, November 27, 2008


Fertigation Systems

What is a Fertigation System?

Fertigation is fertilizing while irrigating. This is done by installing a small fertilizer holding tank and injector onto your sprinkler systems water feed line. Each time the water flows, the water soluble fertilizer is drawn from the tank and injected into the irrigation water to be distributed to your plants thought the sprinkler heads, emitters, and lines every time you water. This slow continuous application of fertilizer is called 'micro-dosing'. It's like a fertilizing IV drip for your plants. Numerous arid Western state university studies have document the effectiveness of applying fertilizer products using fertigation vs. the traditional granular on the soil method. Fertilizer uptake into the plants in arid regions with fertigation can be as high as 90% vs. the much lower absorption levels for traditional fertilizer methods. In Israel, where drip irrigation was pioneered, fertigation systems are essential and common on all irrigation systems on homes to farms. There like here, they get no rain so there is no other method of fertelizing that is as effective as fertigation. Fertigation provides the only reliable way to apply fertilizers physically to the plants root zone.

This house has had a system installed for two years.

What's in the Tank?

The most common product is a 20/20/20 with surfactant (wetting agent) added. This is a similar product to Miracle Grow. Agave also blends an organic sea plant / fish extract product that will increase soil heath and microbial activity. We can also add seasonal insecticides and borer control treatments to the tank for spot placement at trees and shrubs. Nothing compares to the results you will experience from an automatic fertigation system. It is proven as the superior way to fertilize

Another installation after two years.

Why is Fertigation Better then the Regular Fertilizing Method?

The benefits of micro-dosing over soil applied granular are:

Precise year around slow feeding
Nutrients can be up to 90% available to the roots for uptake
Even product application
Increased plant rooting
Decreases plants water needs
Stronger plants resist disease and insects
Increases beneficial microbes, and improves agronomic conditions in the soil

What Are the Costs of a Fertigation System?

A typical residential home will require a 1.5 gallon tank, with an installed cost of $279.00. An optional plastic 'rock' cover can be added for $45.00. The tank can also be installed in an in-ground sprinkler box. Recharging the fertilizer tank will run abut $20.00 a month for most homes.


Any system installed before January 30th will receive 4 months of free fertilizer recharging.

Before and after photos and more information is available on our web site at

Thursday, November 6, 2008


If you are a fan of rare and unusual desert adapted plants, succulents and cactus, then you are familiar with Turner Greenhouse (web site link). They are closing down and selling out. Pay them a visit and let us know if you find something that you would like to add to your yard. We'll pick it up and plant it for you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Deep Root Fertilizing of Trees and Shrubs

What is it?

Deep root fertilization is a highly regarded landscaping maintenance process where a premium quality nutrient solution is injected via a stainless steel soil probe 8-10 inches into the root zone of trees and shrubs. The solution is injected into the root zone under pressure which aerates the soils immediately around the wand providing water, high potency nutrients and much needed oxygen to the root system. The injection sites are placed two to three feet apart in a grid pattern under the canopy area of the tree or shrub.

What's in Our Fertilizer Solution

Agave Landscapes custom blends our own nutrient rich solution that has proven results in high alkaline desert soils. It contains sea plant derived micro nutrients, chelated iron, and a balanced ratio of high uptake water soluble nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It's a proven and trusted blend that will yield fantastic results on your property. Agave uses high cost organic materials and includes a wetting agent in our solution that causes the fertilizing product to spread uniformly and evenly coat the entire surface of the leaf when sprayed on, and the roots which gives an even deep green up. Few of our competitors go through this much trouble or expense, and our results are the proof of our best in class products and methods.

Why is This Method Better Than Soil Surface Fertilizing?

Applying granular fertilizer product to the soil around a tree or shrub presents a big problem: how will the nutrients reach the tree roots? We get no rain and have non-porous compacted clay soil. The pellets will sit there on the soil without any benefit to the plant. Our technique is the only reliable and sure way to feed plants at their roots. Here is the thing about roots, they are opportunistic and will develop where ever oxygen, nutrients, and moisture are present. An ongoing deep root fertilization program is going to improve the oxygen content, microbial activity, and nutrient levels within the soil, so that will lead to improved environmental conditions around and within the root zone.

How Often Should I Deep Root Feed My Trees

All experts tell us that the spring and fall are the optimal time for service for maximum tree health and vitality. Well nourished and vigorous trees are more than capable of fighting off the effects of borer infestation, drought, wind stress, and heat extremes. Deep root fertilizing will help keep your trees and shrubs healthier, initiating the luxurious foliage that will ad beauty and value to your property

What is the Cost of This Service

Typical costs range from $8 to $20 per tree depending on size, with a minimum service fee of $75.00 for single trip call outs.

Call our office to schedule a free survey and consultation of your trees and shrubs.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spring and Fall - The Perfect Seasons for Core Aeration

What is Core Aeration?

The heavy clay soils of Southern Nevada rarely allow our lawns to thrive unless we apply some form of mechanical aeration. For turf, the mechanical removal of soil plugs is recognized in the industry as the least invasive, most efficient way to improve air and gas exchange, fertilizer and water intake: the three key elements of turf health.

What Will Aeration do for my Lawn?

Soil compaction is a main source of turf grass problems in our valley. As lawns age, are walked and played on soil
compaction results, reducing the micro pore space within the soil that should hold air. Plant roots require oxygen to feed the growth cycle know as transpiration. Compaction slows root activity. Core aeration wil
l benefit your lawn by:

  • Immediately increases water, nutrient and oxygen movement into root zone
  • Loosens compacted soil
  • Increases oxygen levels in the soil, stimulating root growth and enhances the activity of thatch-decomposing organisms
  • Reduces irrigation and rainwater runoff
  • Increases the lawn's drought and heat tolerance and improves its overall health
  • Improves lawn resiliency and cushioning

What is Thatch?Thatch is an intermingled layer of living and dead stems, leaves and roots that forms at the top surface of the soil. Excessive thatch build up is serious threat to a lawn. A thin layer of thatch is normal and healthy, retaining moisture and increasing wear tolerance.

However a thatch layer of ½ inch or more prevents air and water from reaching the turf's root zone. As thatch accumulates, there is a tendency for root growth to occur primarily in the thatch layer rather than the soil. This results in a weakened poorly rooted turf that is prone to stress injury. Thatch is also a prime breeding ground for harmful insects and disease organisms.

When Should You Aerate?
Warm season grasses such as bermuda should be aerated in the late spring to summer months, when they are growing vigorously. Cool season grasses are aerated in early spring and again late September through early November, as the turf grass is coming out of summer stress induced dormancy. Aeration is part of the management cycle of virtually all golf courses, school sports fields, and city parks.

The wonderful grass at the hotels on the strip - all are aerated multiple times per year. Any lawn, especially those that are heavily used will benefit from aeration. Our aeration service combined with re-seeding and fertilizer application provides the best results possible, and will result in a completely renewed lawn.

What Results Can I Expect

Improved drought and heat stress tolerance are the most beneficial long term results of aeration. Reducing the need for irrigation water and fertilizer is also well documented on laws regularly aerated. A greener, more lush turf will be noticed within a few weeks of the aeration, guaranteed. Our aeration customers always have great results and repeat the service year after year.

What is the Cost of Aeration?

The minimum charge of our aeration service is $75.00, and is a typical price that might be charged for a standard tract home. The price will vary depending on yard size and additional services requested such as reseeding, fertilizing, topping, etc.

Call Mike to schedule a free survey and consultation of your turf.